Contest entry - covering information

Use this form to send all the covering information required by contest Rule 6. This form is for entries sent by post: you must complete the form and post your log to be received by the closing date, Tuesday 11th October 2022. If you are sending your log by e-mail (preferred), please use this simpler form instead.

Please fill in all appropriate fields of this form, and then click the "send form" button at the end. An automatic check will then be made of your information, and before the form is actually sent you'll be prompted again.

Please double check that your callsign & suffix (including /P) and full 6-character locator are what you used during the contest.

A JavaScript-capable browser is needed - if you cannot send the form, for whatever reason, you may send the information by e-mail instead, to

PW 70MHz Contest

Name of entrant, club or group:

Callsign & Suffix (e.g. /P) used during contest:

Name and address for correspondence (not for publication):

E-mail (not for publication):

Details of location of station during contest:

Locator, as sent during contest:

Single operator       Multi-operator
Names and callsigns of all operators:

Number of valid contacts:

List of locator squares worked:
Check each square worked:
IO58 IO68 IO78 IO88 IO98 JO08 JO18 JO28 JO38 JO48
IO57 IO67 IO77 IO87 IO97 JO07 JO17 JO27 JO37 JO47
IO56 IO66 IO76 IO86 IO96 JO06 JO16 JO26 JO36 JO46
IO55 IO65 IO75 IO85 IO95 JO05 JO15 JO25 JO35 JO45
IO54 IO64 IO74 IO84 IO94 JO04 JO14 JO24 JO34 JO44
IO53 IO63 IO73 IO83 IO93 JO03 JO13 JO23 JO33 JO43
IO52 IO62 IO72 IO82 IO92 JO02 JO12 JO22 JO32 JO42
IO51 IO61 IO71 IO81 IO91 JO01 JO11 JO21 JO31 JO41
IO50 IO60 IO70 IO80 IO90 JO00 JO10 JO20 JO30 JO40
IN59 IN69 IN79 IN89 IN99 JN09 JN19 JN29 JN39 JN49
IN58 IN68 IN78 IN88 IN98 JN08 JN18 JN28 JN38 JN48
IN57 IN67 IN77 IN87 IN97 JN07 JN17 JN27 JN37 JN47

List here any other squares worked, not in the above grid (separated by spaces):

Number of locator squares worked:
Total claimed score:

Description of equipment used:

Transmitter / Transverter p.e.p. output power: W

If you are entering the low-power (10W Max) section and the transmitter / transverter is capable of more than 10W p.e.p., please give
method used to reduce and to measure the output power:

Antenna used:
Approx height a.s.l. :   m   ft.
(values entered in feet will be converted to metres.)

If during the contest you received or sent a report of poor quality signals (e.g. wide/splattering)
provide full details of the complaint including time, callsigns of stations involved,
nature of complaint, and actions taken during the contest to investigate and resolve:

By submitting this form you agree to the following declaration:

I confirm that the station was operated within the rules and spirit
of the event, and that the above information is correct.

By submitting your entry you give Practical Wireless, its nominated adjudicator and publisher explicit consent on behalf of yourself and your group to:

Store and adjudicate your entry using electronic and manual techniques,

Include information, comments and photos you supply in articles that are published, re-published and distributed in Practical Wireless and on the PW Contest web site. (Full postal addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers will not be published),

Contact you in connection with the contest for a period not exceeding 15 months.

Once the results are sent for printing or otherwise published, it is not be possible to withdraw consent, as the results will be in the public domain. Until then you may withdraw your entry by sending an email or writing to the adjudicator at from the email or postal address that you used to submit your entry.